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Why Hypnotherapy? 

Hypnotherapy is an ideal way of addressing modern stress and anxiety without side effects.

Hypnosis combined with therapy can provide gentle, fast and effective help for many emotional, psychological or anxiety-related symptoms, such as –

stop smoking

weight loss/management


infertility issues


lack of confidence

low self esteem



social anxiety



child birth

eating disorder



exam nerves

driving test nerves


fear of dentist


sports performance

pain control


bruxism (teeth grinding)

relationship problems

and much, much more!

I can help you make those changes TODAY!


So what does hypnotherapy feel like?

Close your eyes and think of something wonderful.....your favourite food, music or someone you love. Focus on that for a full two minutes. As you do, you are starting to enter "hypnosis" - hypnosis really is that simple!


Many preconceptions that people have are wrong.....

No one can impose their will on you

You cannot "lose" control

You only take on board what is agreeable to you, nothing else

You are not actually asleep -  all the time you are aware of what is going on - it is like lying half awake, half asleep in a deckchair on a summers day

Hypnosis is relaxing and 100% safe

Hypnosis in itself is not therapeutic

Hypnotherapy is therapy using hypnosis to help reprogram the sub-conscious mind.










Hypnotherapy can help with -

Addictions, Allergies, Anger/Temper, Anxiety, Asthma, Bed Wetting, Bereavement, Blushing, Bruxism, Childhood Trauma, Concentration, Confidence, Constant Tiredness, Depression, Dental Fears, Eating Problems, Eczema, Examination Nerves, Effective Learning/ Memory, Erectile Dysfunction, Exam Nerves, Goal Accomplishment, Golf Improvement, Grief, Guilt Release, Habits, Inferiority, Insomnia, Irritability, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraine, Motivation, Nail Biting, Natural Childbirth, Nervousness, Nightmares, Obsessive Compulsions, Lack of Sexual Drive, Pain Relief, Panic Attacks, Performance Nerves, Phobia's, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psoriasis, Public Speaking, Relationships, Relaxation, Sales Performance, Self Esteem, Shyness, Skin Disorders, Sleep Problems, Sports Performance, Smoking Cessation, Stage Fright, Stammering, Stress, Tinnitus, Travel Fright, Ulcers, Weight Management

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