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What can I help you change to ​enable you to live your​ best life? 




Discover a better life

Please feel free to contact me today - I look forward to speaking

with you


How can I help you?

Thank you for visiting my website, I hope you enjoy looking through it.

As soon as you make simple changes to your thoughts, and the way you react to and perceive reality, you can effortlessly release old negative habits and beliefs.

Now just close your eyes and imagine replacing them with positive new ones that will not only help enable you to achieve your goals, but will also help you find balance, harmony, peace and well being in your life. 

How good does that feel?

Together we can make this happen. 

I look forward to working with you


Anxious man

Let’s explore

Where are you now? Where do you want to be?

No matter what the answer, my specialist approach is always the same - lets work together to get you there as quickly as possible!

Lady feeling free

Goal setting

Are you ready to take back control of your life?

Your sessions will focus on what YOU want your outcome to be - how you want to feel, think and behave

On the therapy couch

Your choice 

We can work either in person or online -


Whichever you 

choose, I will be with you every step of the way as you begin your journey to emotional wellness.

Isn't it time to live the life you really want?


"A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step"

- The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzo


(used with kind permission from my clients) 

“I am writing this review for Michelle and have asked her to use it in whichever way she chooses.

I have seen Michelle in her Harley Street Practice twice before for two separate issues - both of which she completely resolved.

I was set to fly up from London to see her again at her mountain retreat in Scotland, but unfortunately the pandemic restrictions and timing has made it near impossible.

So we worked online.

An amazing experience.

Because of the industry I work in - I am able to pick from among the best therapists in the world and Michelle is the only therapist I will work with, which says it all really.

She is gentle, kind, genuine, professional and extremely knowledgeable. She goes above and beyond.

Michelle is truly a beacon of light in a sometimes dark world”



Hypnotherapy can help with -

Addictions, Allergies, Anger/Temper, Anxiety, Asthma, Bed Wetting, Bereavement, Blushing, Bruxism, Childhood Trauma, Concentration, Confidence, Constant Tiredness, Depression, Dental Fears, Eating Problems, Eczema, Examination Nerves, Effective Learning/ Memory, Erectile Dysfunction, Exam Nerves, Goal Accomplishment, Golf Improvement, Grief, Guilt Release, Habits, Inferiority, Insomnia, Irritability, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraine, Motivation, Nail Biting, Natural Childbirth, Nervousness, Nightmares, Obsessive Compulsions, Lack of Sexual Drive, Pain Relief, Panic Attacks, Performance Nerves, Phobia's, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psoriasis, Public Speaking, Relationships, Relaxation, Sales Performance, Self Esteem, Shyness, Skin Disorders, Sleep Problems, Sports Performance, Smoking Cessation, Stage Fright, Stammering, Stress, Tinnitus, Travel Fright, Ulcers, Weight Management


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